Post-Pregnancy Abdominoplasty and Breast Surgery

Post-Pregnancy Abdominoplasty and Breast Surgery in Perth

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have an impact on the female body. Often their skin becomes stretched on the thighs, abdomen, breasts and other areas of the body during pregnancy which normally leads to stretch marks, excess skin and fat deposits. To address these changes, some women may choose to have post-pregnancy abdominoplasty and breast surgery, which is typically combined post-pregnancy plastic surgery procedures.

These procedures are individually personalised treatment plans, and Dr Paul Quinn will help you choose the procedures that are suited to your needs, based on your health, budget, timeline and goals. None of the procedures are intended to be weight loss treatments. However, women may choose to seek post-pregnancy surgery (abdominoplasty and breast surgery) if they wish to treat excess skin on the breasts or abdomen, or separation of abdominal muscles.

Creating the customised treatment plan

During your initial consultation, you and Dr Quinn can decide how many and what kind of procedures you want to include in your procedure. Due to the fact that pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause different physical changes, different post-pregnancy patients may undergo different procedures according to their needs and desires. These generally include abdominoplasty, along with a breast procedure such as an augmentation mammoplasty (implants) or mastopexy (lift).

Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty: Breast augmentation mammoplasty is typically administered for cosmetic purposes, either to address volume loss, asymmetries, or other aesthetic concerns of the patient.

Breast lift (Mastopexy): A breast lift mastopexy allows women to have excess breast skin removed. This can raise the breast position on the chest wall, which may be particularly sought by mothers who have experienced breast volume loss after breastfeeding.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck): One of the most popular post-pregnancy procedures is abdominoplasty. Dr Quinn can tighten the abdominal region through an incision that runs between the hipbones. In a full abdominoplasty, he may also move the belly button to a higher position on the abdomen. The procedure may address excess skin and fat tissue, muscle separation, or both.


The recovery time for a post-pregnancy abdominoplasty and breast surgery varies from patient to patient and relies on the type and number of procedures that you choose.

Following your post-pregnancy surgery, it is normal to experience some discomfort and swelling. By the end of the first week, irritation and inflammation will generally subside. You should rest during your recovery time, but keep in mind that you will need to walk around your house multiple times throughout the day. Walking will stimulate blood flow, prevent blood clots and prompt healing. You will need to see Dr Quinn around five days after the surgery so he can take out your drainage tubes; you may also have more post-surgery checkups in the weeks to come. Stitches usually come out in seven days to ten days.

Most patients can go back to an adjusted daily routine in two weeks after their abdominoplasty and breast procedure. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for several more weeks, or until instructed by Dr Quinn. Patients usually return to regular exercise routines around four to six weeks following surgery.

Even though the results from the procedure will be noticeable two to three weeks after your post-pregnancy abdominoplasty and breast surgery, it may take months for your body to settle and for the full results to be visible.

Risks of Post-Pregnancy Abdominoplasty and Breast Surgery

The risks will depend on the exact procedures you undergo. General risks may include bleeding, swelling and bruising, poor scarring, infection, slow healing, and anaesthesia reactions. If you undergo a breast augmentation mammoplasty using implants, the insertion of implants will also come with risks such as capsular hardening. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Find more information here.


Will this procedure affect my menstrual cycle?

For the first few months following the procedure, your periods may be more irregular than normal. Anaesthesia and surgery can sometimes cause your cycles to be late. However, plastic surgery should not create chronic irregularity or long-term changes.

What will happen during the procedure?

Breast volume loss or laxity can be addressed, according to the patient’s needs, with a breast mastopexy (lift) or augmentation mammoplasty (implants). Alternatively, a breast reduction mammoplasty may be appropriate in some cases. In an abdominoplasty, the surgeon will aim to remove excess skin and fat tissue, as well as surgically address loose abdominal muscles.

Will I be able to get post-pregnancy surgery if I plan to lose weight?

If you are planning on losing a small amount of weight, you can still have a post-pregnancy abdominoplasty and breast surgery. However, if you are planning to lose an extensive amount, it is best to wait. Significant weight loss could leave you with loose muscle and skin that we can address once you are at or near your target weight.